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Trainings on Waste Management


INTOSAI WGEA Members in coordination with the WGEA Secretariat will continue supporting peer SAIs by providing training on environmental auditing. As per Work Plan 2023-2025, SAI Estonia will continue to deliver several massive open online courses (MOOCs) and iCED in India will provide annually both an international course on environmental auditing as well as webinars on specific topics. In addition, SAI Indonesia will organise new training on waste management.

One key topic in the upcoming training will be waste management. There will be the following three courses available during the next 12 months. They have specific focuses and formats from which the participants can choose the most suitable one. 

First, SAI Indonesia will organise training on waste management taking into consideration the UN SDGs as a starting point. The course will focus on how the management of waste should be conducted including its main principles and policies and how to conduct an audit on this topic.

The training will be held online with SAI Indonesia’s Bali Training Center as the host. Participants must attend the online class using the Zoom platform at a predetermined time (3 hours per day) from 21 to 25 November 2022. Reading materials and other supplementary references will be provided to be read on their own time. There will be several discussions on a certain topic or case study to help conceptualise the training materials and apply them to solve a specific problem. Upon completing the course, participants will be awarded an online certificate.

This course is particularly suited for auditors with at least 3 years of experience in auditing, and preferably those who will be assigned to audit on the topic in their respective SAIs. Overall, the training activities will take place from 14 to 25 November 2022. 

Second, there will be a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on auditing waste management managed by SAI Estonia. The course materials are available anytime, but the supervised mode of the course with online tutoring and the possibility to acquire a certificate of completion (1 ECTS) from the University of Tartu (Estonia) after completing the final test will take place between 23 January and 19 February 2023.

This course aims to introduce the concept of waste and main waste-related topics: from the categories of waste and waste-related problems to the principles, policies and tools used in waste management, as well as the possibilities for auditing waste issues using performance audit methods.

A web-based course takes place on the internet within a 4 week period. At the end of each module, there will be a graded test and at the end of the course, there is a final test.

Students taking this course should be familiar with general performance auditing methods and have basic knowledge of the positive and negative environmental impacts caused by human activities.

Consequently, this course is particularly suited for auditors who would like to study online at any place and time and at their own pace. This enables them to organize their time in the way that is best suitable for them.

View the course materials. NB! The course is open for registration!

Third, International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED) in SAI India will organise a webinar in September 2023 on “Waste Management with Special Reference to Plastic Menace”. It is a one-day event organized online in two batches with different timings to enable wider participation from SAIs across the different time zones.

Focus of the webinar would be to provide overview of Plastic waste and management cycle including case studies based on recently published research paper on the theme by WGEA to be delivered by eminent and experienced experts in their respective fields. This course is particularly suited for auditors from various SAIs who are engaged in the field of audit of waste management particularly plastic waste management. Given the duration and format of the programme, it offers a good opportunity for knowledge and experience sharing to interested participants from different SAIs.